

November 2, 2018
'<nav class="top-bar" data-topbar data-options="back_text: Zurück"><ul><li>foo</li><li>bar</li></ul></nav>' => '<nav class="top-bar" data-topbar data-options="back_text: Zurück"><ul><li>foo</li><li>bar</li></ul></nav>',   '<a href="">About</a>' => '<a href="">About</a>',   "<a href=''>About</a>" => "<a href=''>About</a>",   '<a href="" class="mail"><i class="fa fa-envelope fa-3x"></i></a>' => '<a href="" class="mail"><i class="fa fa-envelope fa-3x"></i></a>',   '<a href="" rel="me" title="Add Me To Your Circle"><i class="fa fa-google-plus fa-3x"></i></a>' => '<a href="" rel="me" title="Add Me To Your Circle"><i class="fa fa-google-plus fa-3x"></i></a>',   'eval is evil and xss is bad, but this is only a string : ...' => 'eval is evil and xss is bad, but this is only a string : ...',   '<a href="">test&amp;</a>' => '<a href="">test&amp;</a>',   '&lt;a href="">test&amp;&lt;/a&gt;' => '&lt;a href="">test&amp;&lt;/a&gt;',   '<a href="">test&amp;</a>' => '<a href="">test&amp;</a>',   '<p>&lt;h1&gt;<a href=";n_type=0&amp;p_from=1" target="_blank">Special url</a>&lt;/h1&gt; User content %7B%7B Test 123</p>' => '<p>&lt;h1&gt;<a href=";n_type=0&amp;p_from=1" target="_blank">Special url</a>&lt;/h1&gt; User content %7B%7B Test 123</p>',   '<a href=";n_type=0&amp;p_from=1" target="_blank">Valid Link</a>' => '<a href=";n_type=0&amp;p_from=1" target="_blank">Valid Link</a>',   '<a href="" target="_blank">Valid Link</a>' => '<a href="" target="_blank">Valid Link</a>',   '' => '',   ' ' => ' ',   null => '',   true => 1,   false => 0,   0 => 0,   '0.0' => '0.0',   'GOM-KC-350+550' => 'GOM-KC-350+550',   'Chassis+FanTray10G-VSS' => 'Chassis+FanTray10G-VSS', // issue #34   '3+ years of experience' => '3+ years of experience',   ' foo ' . "\xe2\x80\xa8" . ' öäü' . "\xe2\x80\xa9" => ' foo ' . "\xe2\x80\xa8" . ' öäü' . "\xe2\x80\xa9",   " foo\t foo " => ' foo foo ',   'a="get";' => 'a="get";',   '<x 1=">" onxxx=1 (text outside tag)' => '<x 1=">" onxxx=1 (text outside tag)',   '<a href="" target="_blank" >Click Here for the 2017 Summit Review</a>' => '<a href="" target="_blank" >Click Here for the 2017 Summit Review</a>',   '<a href="" target="_blank">Click Here for the 2017 Summit Review</a>' => '<a href="" target="_blank">Click Here for the 2017 Summit Review</a>',


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