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Walnuts Corjeuti

/ Kilogram
Departure point:
Moldova, Raionul Soroca, Soroca

Sold by

Certified Seller
Member from Feb 2019
Moldova Moldova


Origin Originates from a valuable variety, aged over 50 years, being found in Corjeuţi Village, Briceni District in 1964 and registered in 1980.

Variety Characteristics The tree is resistant to frost, pests and diseases. The blooming starts in the first period of regular walnut blooming. Male flowers start blooming 5-6 days earlier than female flowers. The harvest is rich and constant. Some offshoots may have clusters of 7-15 fruits during the years with favourable weather.

Tree The tree has medium height, may reach the height of 13 m at the age of 40 years, having a straight cylindrical trunk, the bark being coloured in grey. Crown – relatively dense, with abundant leafage. Scaffold branches – thick, relatively long, well developed on the central axis. Offshoots – long, of medium thickness, of brownish colour. Leaves – not large, of light-green colour.


Walnuts Corjeuti