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Walnuts Chisinau

/ Kilogram
Departure point:
Moldova, Raionul Soroca, Soroca

Sold by

Certified Seller
Member from Feb 2019
Moldova Moldova


Origin An analogical tree on its own roots, aged 70 years, was found in the Walnut Community from IPSHITA in 1963, being registered in 1980.

Variety Characteristics The tree grows up rapidly, is resistant to frosty weather, spring frosts, diseases and pests. During the rainy years it could be harmed by Gnomonia leptostyla (Fr.) Cest. et De Not. The vegetation starts pretty late, both the male and female flowers start blooming at the same time. The harvest is rich. The kernel is of high quality.

Tree At the age of 12 years, the tree can reach the height of 12 m, shaping a straight trunk covered with fine dark-gray coloured bark.Crown – spherical, large, the branches have a medium density. Scaffold branches – long, thick, with well-developed peripheral ramification. Offshoots – relatively thick, long, with poor ramification of chestnut-green colour.


Walnuts Chisinau