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Export Portal Business Questions

Yes! We work with top-notch businesses when it comes to international transits. Registered freight forwarders are standing by to offer you competitive prices to ship merchandise, so you can be certain that you are getting the best service for the best price.




























What is the cost to me for using this platform?

Export Portal is free for freight forwarders to use during their first year. After that, there is a fee based on your geolocation.


How does the FF get paid?

We have an escrow system, secured by blockchain technology, that we use to complete all payments on Export Portal.


How is the pay negotiated?

We use a bidding system for freight forwarders to “win” our users' orders. A freight forwarder will bid on an order within their service regions upfront, and the buyer will receive their bid along with other freight forwarders in their region. The buyer chooses the option that works the best for them.


Is there an incentive paid out to the FF from Export Portal or vice versa?

In their first year on Export Portal, freight forwarders get 100% of the shipment charge paid.

*Note: Some admin fees may apply, depending on the order.

How many of my competitors do you work with?

Unfortunately, we cannot release the names of our users or their companies. However, due to our bidding system, you can tailor your offer to make it as enticing as possible for our users to choose for their orders.


How do I know whether you will recommend me or one of my competitors that you work with for a certain customer or piece of business; how is that determined?

Export Portal does not recommend specific freight forwarding companies to our users. Instead, we have a bidding system through which freight forwarders will bid on orders in their service region. From there, our users will be able to select the option that fits their needs best.


Tell me about another company in my industry that has benefited from working with you?

Unfortunately, due to an NDA with our users, we cannot disclose this information.


What kind of users are typical of the average EP client?

Export Portal was built primarily to service SMEs all over the world. The majority of our users are SMEs whose businesses may be successful in their local regions, but they have not been able to expand much further past that. They may not be as technically savvy or have access to all the tools or knowledge required to trade successfully, which is where Export Portal comes in. We are a truly comprehensive international trade platform, giving our users everything they need to trade confidently and securely.


Can you tell me about a competitor of yours?

Our competition includes other marketplaces that allow users to purchase items from all over the world. However, there are key differences that make Export Portal stand out.

Export Portal is different from other platforms because:

  • It was created with the needs of SMEs specifically in mind.

  • Export Portal was created with ease-of-use in mind. We understand that time is money, especially for SMEs. However, a typical international trade transaction can require up to 20 different documents and 30 different players at any given time. Our platform ensures that everything is kept in one place. Our platform essentially eliminates delays, middlemen, and lost documents. This saves both time and money for all parties involved.

  • Our suite of services is completely comprehensive. From introduction to order completion, and everything in between, our users have everything necessary for a trade transaction.

  • We provide our users with the education they need to feel comfortable with international trade.

  • We are hyper-focused on security. To maintain the utmost levels of safety, we start by verifying every user on our platform, ensuring their business is legitimate and up to date.

  • Our platform and the documents used in each transaction are secured by blockchain technology, ensuring that documents cannot be duplicated, forged, or manipulated. 

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"We are a team of professionals & global market enthusiasts who love helping companies grow their businesses internationally."
Ally Spinu, CEO & Founder