
Frequently Asked Questions

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What are your biggest trading lanes/shipment centers?

India, US, Pakistan, Nigeria, and the UK

Can you tell me more about Export Portal’s history? 

Export Portal Started in 2011 with a Beta Launch in 2019

An open and comprehensive international trade platform poised to transform the industry

  • Export Portal is built to support SMEs through every trade transaction, from client acquisition to order completion.

  • Responding to an industry need, Export Portal has come up with a new, expedited, and secure way to trade internationally.

  • A panel of international trade experts will keep us appraised of developments, allowing Export Portal to pivot to drive industry standards

  • Core platform components are available today during our beta launch phase, with constant feature development and innovations occurring each day.

More information on the beginnings of Export Portal from the eyes of our CEO, Ally Spinu, can be found here:

Can you tell me more about Export Portal’s daily operations? 

Daily, we verify new users; matchmake orders for buyers, sellers, manufacturers, and freight forwarders; promote Export Portal to interested potential users; develop new and improved functions and features, and provide support to our users at every point of an international trade transaction.

Do customers ever ship on a line of credit?

Not at the present time, but we are building out our SME Financing (SMEF) portal, which you can learn more about here:

What carriers are linked if any? Does Export Portal have their own contracts with carriers or where do they get their pricing from?

No – our model revolves around freight forwarder relations at this time.

Is there a separate portal or login for the FF that is different from the buyers and sellers?

Yes, we have a logistics portal, Export Portal Logistics (EPL), which you can learn more about here:

Does Export Portal have their own custom brokers?

No – our model revolves around freight forwarder relations at this time.

Is there 24/7 help available?

Yes, via phone (818-213-6181), email (, and chat (on our website).

How private and secure is this site?

Security is a cornerstone for our online B2B trade marketplace. Export Portal has developed a proprietary blockchain technology to secure documents, transactions, and other workflows on our platform every step of the way. 

Is this platform regulated by the government?

No, but we obey fair trade commissions and abide by other trade laws such as copyright, legally traceable items, etc. You can view our full terms of service, which outlines this, here:


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Think local Sell global

Think local Sell global
"We are a team of professionals & global market enthusiasts who love helping companies grow their businesses internationally."
Ally Spinu, CEO & Founder