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Export Portal Basics Questions

Is there a separate portal or login for the FF that is different from the buyers and sellers?

Yes, we have a logistics portal, Export Portal Logistics (EPL), which you can learn more about here:

Does Export Portal have their own custom brokers?

No – our model revolves around freight forwarder relations at this time.

Is there 24/7 help available?

Yes, via phone (818-213-6181), email (, and chat (on our website).

How private and secure is this site?

Security is a cornerstone for our online B2B trade marketplace. Export Portal has developed a proprietary blockchain technology to secure documents, transactions, and other workflows on our platform every step of the way. 

Is this platform regulated by the government?

No, but we obey fair trade commissions and abide by other trade laws such as copyright, legally traceable items, etc. You can view our full terms of service, which outlines this, here:

Is this platform or the business transactions insured? 

For now, insurance is an option that freight forwarders can offer buyers alongside their bids for an order.

Where are most of your users based? 

  • India

  • USA

  • Pakistan

  • Nigeria

  • United Kingdom

  • Vietnam

  • Turkey

  • Russia

  • Canada

  • Australia

  • Bangladesh

  • Indonesia

  • UAE

  • South Africa

  • Spain

  • Germany

  • Kenya

  • Ukraine

  • Ghana

  • Malaysia

  • Portugal

  • Brazil

  • Mexico

  • Philippines

  • France

  • Argentina

  • Egypt

  • Taiwan

  • Romania

  • Israel

Do I need to sign a contract to join Export Portal? Can I leave the platform easily? 

Yes, we require freight forwarding partners to sign a contract and NDA to conduct business on our platform. You will be able to leave the platform if desired per the terms of the contract.

How does Export Portal work?

Export Portal is an all-inclusive B2B international trade platform that allows all aspects of a trade transaction, from introduction to order completion, to be conducted on our website. Buyers create purchase orders for items, communicating with sellers along the way, and freight forwarders have the opportunity to bid on orders and win them. Our world-class customer support team is available to help every step of the way, 24/7.

The above flowchart shows how the trade workflow operates on Export Portal. The below roadmap explains the steps of the order process in a different way.

In the main EP marketplace, is the purchasing transaction of the goods the main function or is it importing and exporting?

Export Portal is an all-inclusive B2B international trade platform that allows all aspects of a trade transaction, from introduction to order completion, to be conducted on our website. Buyers create purchase orders for items, communicating with sellers along the way, and freight forwarders have the opportunity to bid on orders and win them. Our world-class customer support team is available to help every step of the way, 24/7. Here is a workflow of the process on our platform:

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"We are a team of professionals & global market enthusiasts who love helping companies grow their businesses internationally."
Ally Spinu, CEO & Founder