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$88.00 - $99.00
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Fabrica de Materiale de Constructie SRL
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Vermiculite is a hydrated magnesium aluminum silicate mineral which resembles mica in appearance. Vermiculite is the name of a group of hydrated laminar minerals (aluminum-iron magnesium silicates) which look like mica. Horticultural vermiculite is processed with massive heat that expands it into accordion shaped pellets composed of multiple layers of thin plates. It will not rot, deteriorate, or mold and is enduring, odorless, non-toxic and sterile. Sell vermiculite on Export Portal, discover the new export possibilities and B2B cooperation. Buy vermiculite on Export Portal, benefit from a large variety of products in 24/7 online catalog with convenient prices.

Vermiculite added to the garden or vermiculite in potting soil increases water and nutrient retention and aerates the soil, resulting in healthier, more robust plants. Perlite may also be found in potting soils, but vermiculite is far superior for water retention. Vermiculite, although less aerating than perlite, is the amendment of choice for water-loving plants. 

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