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The most common form of Magnesite is white, microcrystalline, porous masses that are dull in luster and have the appearance of unglazed porcelain. Magnesite belongs to the Calcite group of minerals, a group of related carbonates that are isomorphous with one another. They are similar in many physical properties, and may partially or fully replace one another, forming a solid solution series. All members of the Calcite group crystallize in the trigonal system, have perfect rhombohedral cleavage, and exhibit strong double refraction in transparent rhombohedrons.

Sell Magnesite on Export Portal, the safest online market. Sign up for free and get the possibility to establish new partnerships and find new opportunities to grow your business.

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Open the possibility to sell and buy Magnesite all over the world. Export Portal invites all the sellers and manufacturers of natural and cultured stones to join the largest trade portal. Sell and buy without limits in all corners of the world. Make your export business easy and profitable.