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The category of Calcite welcomes every buyer and seller from all corners of the world. Sell Calcite on Export Portal to find more international importers. Buy Calcite for your pleasure or to produce jewelry of rare beauty, it’s up to you!

Calcite is quite soft and fragile in compation to other precious stones. It is primarily considered as a 'collector's stone', but not because of its rarity. Instead, calcite is a collector's stone because it lacks the hardness and durability needed for most jewelry applications. However, calcite's hardness is comparable to amber, coral and chrysocolla, which are all very popular as jewelry stones. So, despite its lack of hardness, calcite can still be used for certain types of jewelry, such as earrings or pendants.

Sell and buy natural and cultured gemstones on Export Portal. Export precious stones worldwide with Export Portal! Find any type of gemstone you want, we have them all!