
Art and works of art

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Saint Lucia
Saint Lucia
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Import to Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia has been able to attract foreign business and investment, especially in its offshore banking and tourism industries, which is Saint Lucia's main source of revenue. The manufacturing sector is the most diverse in the Eastern Caribbean area, and the government is trying to revitalise the banana industry.

An educated workforce and improvements in roads, communications, water supply, sewerage, and port facilities have attracted foreign investment in tourism and in petroleum storage and transshipment. 

The recent change in the European Union import preference regime and the increased competition from Latin American bananas have made economic diversification increasingly important in Saint Lucia.

Tourism is vital to Saint Lucia's economy. Its economic importance is expected to continue to increase as the market for bananas becomes more competitive. Tourism tends to be more substantial during the dry season (January to April). Saint Lucia tends to be popular due to its tropical weather and scenery and its numerous beaches and resorts.

Other tourist attractions include a drive-in volcano, Sulphur Springs (in Soufrière), the Botanical Gardens, the Majestic twin Peaks "The Pitons", a world heritage site, the rain forests, and Pigeon Island National Park, which is home to Fort Rodney, an old British military base. The majority of tourists visit Saint Lucia as part of a cruise. Most of their time tends to be spent in Castries, although Soufriere, Marigot Bay and Gros Islet are popular locations to visit.

St. Lucia's imports include consumer goods, food, industrial supplies, fuelscarswheat flours, broadcasting equipment, concentrated milk, raw sugar, animal food.

Saint Lucia's main import partners are Brazil, Argentina, United States, China, United Kingdom, Barbados, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines.


Export from Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia is one of the Windward Islands, a group of islands located off the southeast coast of North America. Due to its small size and relative lack of geological resources, its 2000s economy relies primarily on the sale of banana crops, and the income generated from tourism, with additional input from small-scale manufacturing. In addition to banana production for export, a variety of crops are produced on the island for domestic consumption.

The economy of St. Lucia is highly dependent on foreign trade. Agriculture is the major export earner. Foreign trade continues to be crucial to St. Lucia and a variety of duty exemption and tax credits are implemented for trade inducements. Nevertheless, some traders complain of the country's protectionist attitude towards selected goods.

For the most part, St. Lucia exports bananas and other fruit and alcoholic beverages. Other export commodities include circuit breakers, clothes, paper, petroleum, scrap iron, gold.

Saint Lucia's main export partners are United Kingdom, France, Barbados, Guyana, Dominica, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, United States, Jamaica.


Shop Art Online with Export Portal
Do you need new art supplies to start or finish up your art piece? Or are you interested in buying creative and artistic gifts for friends and family? Then check out Export Portal's Art and Works of Art Section! We offer a super simple way to sell or buy artwork and high-quality art supplies online. Find professional drawing and art supplies, art paper, painting products, and many more available only on our site.

Finding the Right Art Supplies
It doesn't matter whether you are a professional or a novice painter. At Export Portal, we offer a wide variety of supplies to suit all of our customers' needs. From paints and paintbrushes to pencils, crayons, chalks, canvases, easels, and art paper, we offer all the necessary items that an artist will need to complete his or her artistic process.

You can also look through our wide selection of pens to find items like the Pigma Micron pens, which are a must if you are an artist, cartoonist, or illustrator. We also recommend checking out our vibrant rainbow paint set to bring extra colors into your artwork.

Shopping is Easier with Us
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Customs requirements of Saint Lucia

Saint Lucia Customs Contacts



Adress: Jeremie St, Castries City, Saint Lucia

Tel: (758) 468-4800  

Fax: (758) 452-4959


Saint Lucia is an island country situated in the Lesser Antilles archipelago in the eastern Caribbean Sea. Saint Lucia is located north of the islands of Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, northwest of Barbados and south of Martinique. Saint Lucia is a memebre of the African, Caribbean, and Pacific Group of States, Caribbean Community and Common Market (Caricom), World Customs Organization (WCO), World Trade Organization (WTO) and other international organization.



Products imported into Saint Lucia are subject to the following customs duties:

  • Import Duty
  • Excise Tax
  • Service Charge
  • Value Added Tax

All ad valorem duties are applicable on the Customs Value of the imported products. Goods such as tobacco and alcohol are subject to specific rates of duty and duties calculated on the basis of their volume. 

Customs duties apply on most imports, except those from CARICOM countries. The CARICOM common external tariff ranges up to a maximum of 20%. 

There are no seasonal tariffs, nor goods subject to tariff quotas. Tariff rates range from 0 to 70%. Agricultural products are subject to a rate of 40%. The maximum applied rate arms and ammunition is 75%, 50% for alcoholic beverages and cigarettes, and 40% for motor vehicles. 


Product certification 

Importers of live animals, animal products and by-products must apply for an import permit. The deciding factor for entry is the disease status of the exporting country vis-a-vis the disease status of Saint Lucia.

Importers also need a Certificate of Free Sale, which provides proof that the sale of a particular product is not in contravention of the Standards Act and Regulations, and other National Legislation.


Documents for import

Imports require up to 7 documents. The c.i.f. value of the goods imported must be stated, and accompanied by bills of lading or airway bills. An importer of goods is also required to file a commercial invoice and the single administrative document (SAD). CARICOM goods require a certificate of origin. Where necessary, the appropriate import or export licence, certificates required under the Plant Protection Act, the Pesticide Control Act, or health and meat inspection certificates must also be attached to the SAD.

Common needed documents:

• Form 19 (CARISAD)

• Invoices

• Documents of Title (Airway bill/ Bill

of Lading)

• Certificate of Origin (for goods manufactured from another Caricom country)

• Form 61 (For individual items exceeding a customs value of $2500.00),

• Import Licenses/Import Permits (where applicable)

• Phytosanitary Certificate

• Bill of Sight (in the absence of proper invoices) 

