Why <br> Export Portal

How Export Portal is Simplifying Global Trade

From finding new potential clients to completing an international trade transaction, we’re changing how this industry functions

How Export Portal is Simplifying Global Trade
Blockchain protection

The blockchain we use allows data to be transferred securely between all parties, instantaneously.

Sell internationally

Export Portal makes it easy for our users to sell to global partners, no matter their skill level.

Innovative technology

We are always adding new features and updating current ones to keep up with the constantly changing digital landscape.

Educational resources

We have a variety of educational resources at your fingertips so you can know what’s going on all over the world.

Expert support

We directly assist our members with every step of a transaction, so anyone can navigate their way to success.

Logistics connections

We have everything our users need, including a portal to connect with freight forwarding and logistics solutions.

Sell internationally
Sell internationally

Export Portal makes it easy for our users to sell to global partners, no matter their skill level.

Educational resources

We have a variety of educational resources at your fingertips so you can know what’s going on all over the world.

Educational resources
Logistics connections
Logistics connections

We have everything our users need, including a portal to connect with freight forwarding and logistics solutions.

Expert support

We directly assist our members with every step of a transaction, so anyone can navigate their way to success.

Expert support
Innovative technology
Innovative technology

We are always adding new features and updating current ones to keep up with the constantly changing digital landscape.

Blockchain protection

The blockchain we use allows data to be transferred securely between all parties, instantaneously.

Blockchain protection

Benefits of using Export Portal

Export Portal is built to support SMEs through every trade transaction, from client acquisition to order completion. Whether you’re a seasoned importer or you’re just starting out, we’re here for you.

  • Reach millions around the world
    With our vast user base, you have the opportunity to buy from or sell to millions of buyers across the globe. We’re here to help you find the perfect match!
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  • Import/export protection
    We are hyper-focused on security. To maintain the utmost levels of safety, we start by verifying every user on our platform, ensuring their business is legitimate and up to date.
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  • Certification program
    Our certification program is an exclusive promotional, networking, and trust-affirming opportunity we offer our sellers and manufacturers to give their business an extra edge.
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Clients Export Portal
Workers Export Portal
  • 24/7 assistance
    Our world-class support team is available to help our users through each step of an international trade transaction, from client introduction to order completion, and every step along the way.
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  • Total security
    Our platform and the documents used in each transaction are secured by blockchain technology, ensuring that documents cannot be duplicated, forged, or manipulated.
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  • Professional expertise
    In addition to maintaining easily accessible data between all parties, our team also assist in the creation of marketing strategies for our members’ products to help them capitalize on their niche.
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We’re proud to make our users happy and give them the world-class support and service they deserve. Check out what they think of us!

Oscar Wild
Oscar Wild

kljhbgvfcvgsamnx skjhcgdvvbks skjcvgdv sjacvdkb hsv dgsj djscvkscbjscb sjcvgdjckacjb. ksclscksncbhdgvsj jcvdshvcksd shv ckscnsdbdsjjs. ksdbcvhjslckldsnhsbg sjcbshjvc dskl sjkcbdks skdcnhs skdcbhd ksjdv hdssjhcjs hjsdbjhsd sh bhsdjcs b jsdbcsj bsdjshd

Oscar Wild
Oscar Wild


Oscar Wild
Oscar Wild

No comment! Thank you!

Don Johnson
Don Johnson

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure d

Don Johnson
Don Johnson

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure d

Don Johnson
Don Johnson

"Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure d

Bruce Holden
Bruce Holden

hello world!

Candice Fisher
Candice Fisher


John Kennedy
John Kennedy

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John Kennedy
John Kennedy

Скороговорун скороговорил скоровыговаривал, Что всех скороговорок не перескороговоришь не перескоровыговариваешь, Но, заскороговорившись, выскороговорил, Что все скороговорки перескороговоришь, да не перескоровыговариваешь. у5632456254

John Kennedy
John Kennedy

Мне понравилось, оставлю еще

John Kennedy
John Kennedy


Think Local, Sell Global

Think Local, Sell Global

Our motto, “Think Local, Sell Global” is an important part of our mission and our dedication to support small and medium-sized businesses worldwide. Our goal is to create a trusted portal where all businesses can safely transact with other companies. Register today to gain access to all our benefits!

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Our support team is ready and available to help you, whether it’s with registration, adding items to your account, or finding the perfect item.

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